Accreditation and Continuing Medical Education that Matters Foundation for Care Management Learn About Accreditation

The Foundation for Care Management, a center for learning and change is a recognized leader in local, national, and international continuing medical education for physicians, nurses, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals.  Founded in 1995, FCM is a non-profit 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization whose role it is to fill the education and practice gaps of healthcare practitioners.

Professional Services
What is Accreditation?
Why get Accredited?
  • Program course development and scientific validation
  • Accreditation for CME, CNE or CE’s
  • Working with joint providers and other healthcare organizations/educational providers who are committed to the development and execution of high quality evidence-based programs
  • Consulting available for meeting event planning, organization and hotel contracting
  • Outcomes research and development
  • Technical writing and medical editing

According to the ACCME “The purpose of accreditation is to provide a framework that motivates educators to achieve their full potential. Accredited organizations are responsible for demonstrating that they meet requirements for delivering independent CME that accelerates learning, change, and improvement in healthcare.”

  • Physicians, Nurses and Pharmacists need continuing medical education for license renewal
  • Accredited CE’s provide an objective, non-commercial, evidence based form of learning
  • CME is evolving and regulatory alignment with the ACCME and AMA now allows for greater flexibility in how learning happens
  • Complete an application today and see if your programs qualify
  • Up your standard to provide great learning experiences for your attendees

Click here to learn more about Joint Providership and how we can help your organization get accredited for CME


Joint Accreditation offers organizations the opportunity to be simultaneously accredited to provide continuing education activities for multiple professionals through a sing unified set of accreditation standards